пятница, 7 февраля 2014 г.

Радостные вести из Судана

Решение по выводу из эксплуатации и заменить 'убийца линию »следует приходит после нескольких лет работы с BirdLife партнерства (S Николов)
Last year a killer power line in Sudan, which is estimated to have electrocuted hundreds and perhaps thousands of Endangered Egyptian Vultures since its construction in the 1950s, was switched off. This decisive action follows years of work by BirdLife Partner BSPB (BirdLife in Bulgaria), and BirdLife’s UNDP/GEF Migratory Soaring Birds project and its local NGO Partner, the Sudanese Wildlife Society.

Click here to read all six huge BirdLife Partnership conservation achievements of 2013, and choose your favourite!


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